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  1. Neither file (DWG / DXF) appear to have a coordinate system assigned. Command: CGEOCS That should echo the assigned name. You need to assign a known system to the drawing using ... Command: ADESETCRDSYS
    2 points
  2. If what you want is a simple copy/paste you don't need lisp as suggested by Bigal and lsh. I have a couple of dedicated buttons for that in one of my toolbars. ***MENUGROUP=RlxMnu ***TOOLBARS **RLX-TB1 [_Toolbar("RLX-TB1", _Bottom, _Show, 0, 0, 1)] ID_Bcopy [_Button("Copy With Basepoint 0,0", "bcopy.bmp", "ICON_16_BLANK")]^C^C_copybase;0,0; ID_Bpaste [_Button("Paste with Basepoint 0,0", "bpaste.bmp", "ICON_16_BLANK")]^C^C_pasteclip;0,0; ID_GetBcopy [_Button("Copy With Get Basepoint", "bcopy_get.bmp", "ICON_16_BLANK")]^C^C_copybase; ID_GetBpaste [_Button("Paste with Get Basepoint", "bpaste_get.bmp", "ICON_16_BLANK")]^C^C_pasteclip; ***HELPSTRINGS ID_BCOPY [Copy with Basepoint 0,0] ID_BPASTE [Paste with basepoint 0,0] ID_GetBCOPY [Copy with Get Basepoint] ID_GetBPASTE [Paste with Get basepoint] This is just basic AutoCad. If you need a pimped up version do a search on this site for RlxPaste.lsp. If you need to copy objects to many drawings without opening the link I posted before to Lee's site is what you need. But in all cases you need to do the selection yourself , either by hand (qselect) of with (ssget "x" '((62 . 6))) although this only works on objects that have a color property (if object is color bylayer , object will have no 62 group) Bcopy.bmp bcopy_get.BMP Bpaste.bmp bpaste_get.BMP RlxMenu.mns
    1 point
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