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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Like this - But it appears to be fixed now
    1 point
  2. There is some background to this. The web hosting company are implementing tougher security measures to keep sites like CADTutor safer from exploits like cross site scripting. However, the new security measures need to be tweaked to differentiate between "good" code and "bad" code in an attempt to find the right balance between security and usability. I think we are now close to having this sorted out but please post in this topic to report any 304 errors that you see and let me know what you were trying to post when the error occurred.
    1 point
  3. 99% of my code I 'steal' (wink wink) one way or the other from somebody else . I will never be as good as someone like master Lee just to name a random person and in the end even he only uses the commands provided to us by probably some even more clever guys from Autodesk. Just steal , oh I mean learn by example. If I can lisp, so can you. Just take your time and if a task is to difficult , do more research , ask help or lay it to rest for a while until one day you think , oh , I think I can solve it now. The more you try to do yourself , the better you learn.
    1 point
  4. MText , Leader or one each of MText and Leader? And which program, since the L2ML only selects leaders? It shouldn't be a problem, I have a bit of time this evening.
    1 point
  5. what's with the 403 error ? Anushka2.lsp
    1 point
  6. 1. Yes at present, If you want any leader or any mtext then remove the (8 . "Coordinates") from the relevant ssget filter. 2. Not quite, finding the mtext is controlled by the fuzz value, at present this is quite small 0.01 but you can change it, but be careful if it is too large it may pick up the wrong MText.
    1 point
  7. If you look at the pipes.lsp it has a section which is all the pipe size parameters you could simply change all the imperial values to metric eg 4" now 100. 0.109 now 2.75 the line type setting will be in there too. Just use search replace.
    1 point
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