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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Copy the function definition to the end of your code, and then change this: (setq d (rtos (abs (/ (apply '- (mapcar 'last (mapcar '(lambda (x) (trans x 1 0)) p))) 1000.)) 2 2)) To: (setq d (rtos (LM:rounddown (abs (/ (apply '- (mapcar 'last (mapcar '(lambda (x) (trans x 1 0)) p))) 1000.)) 0.5) 2 2)) @Emmanuel Delay Thanks for the recommendation
    2 points
  2. I have no problems with it. I only open it when needed, then close it when done, it has never disappeared on me. The OP solved it by disabling Autohide, seems you have a different problem.
    1 point
  3. Not sure what is going on with your computer since you have not mentioned why you need an alternative. A new computer running Windows 10 32-bit can be set up to run old programs with NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM), not sure how old, you might see if yours can run on it and if that's an option to use 32-bit. Have you tried Draftsight? It is still free for MAC and Linux and a free trial for Windows. If you are able to find a workable solution for your Drafix Cad Ultra V4.20, you should look into converting your floppies to an image disk or thumb drive.
    1 point
  4. Firstly, as requested within the terms on my site, I would prefer if programs were referenced by name or using a simple link to the original, rather than posting the entirety of the code on another site and would therefore appreciate if you edited your post to remove the quoted code. Regarding automatically enabling the program on drawing startup: this may be achieved using any of the methods I describe here; I would personally suggest that you create an AutoLISP file with the filename acaddoc.lsp saved within a trusted AutoCAD support file search path (or modify such file if it already exists), and populate this file with a load expression such as: (load "LayerDirectorV1-9.lsp" nil) Assuming that my Layer Director program has also been saved to a trusted AutoCAD support file search path.
    1 point
  5. I believe the command-line will automatically truncate empty lines - to avoid this, a simple workaround is to print a non-printable character (such as Esc) so that the line will appear blank but won't be truncated, e.g. (progn (princ "\n\033\n\033\nConversion Complete.") (princ))
    1 point
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