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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello All, The CADTutor website will be moving to a new web host shortly and I thought it best to give you advanced warning. Although the moving of files from one server to another can be done quite quickly, there is always a delay while DNS propagation takes place, so and it's likely that this forum will be closed for around two days (hopefully less) while the migration takes place. The rest of the site will remain available during migration. Other than the temporary closure of the forum, you shouldn't notice any other changes except that (hopefully) the site will appear more responsive. I don't yet have a firm timescale for this but it's likely to take place in the next two weeks. I'll update this thread once I know more details.
    1 point
  2. I've highlighted the changes needed to work with lwpolylines .. see if you can get it going!
    1 point
  3. You can also just post "Thanks for doing that"
    1 point
  4. Is it possible to get a thank you first ?
    1 point
  5. This is not a selection. If the vertical exageration is 1:5 you enter 5 if it is 1:10 you enter 10. The default is 1:1 <1>. If you want this as selection list thats not a problem. There is no problem with the rest.
    1 point
  6. Thanks,Emmanuel! The program runs very well,The program is running very well, thank you for your help, cheers!
    1 point
  7. OK. Apologies for the time it has taken, but I had a "rush" job to complete that took up most of my time this past week. Attached is the Lisp for Option 1, along with a question for option 2 which I've labelled as "3". The drawing contains the maximum detail needed for the section, as the rest will be added by the lisp. The polyline will be automatically converted to run from left to right. The datum line will be converted from a polyline to a line (if required) and again set to run left to right. I needed it to do this to simplify the offseting. This produces the two "SOLUTIONS" with the given offsets. The 0.0 and 10.0 (or end of polyline) are added automatically so don't have to be entered. If you don't require all this let me know. Command to run (once loaded) is ODL. You will be asked for the vertical exaggeration. Default is 1 (1:1). If the exaggeration is 1:5 you only need to enter 5 You will be asked to select the polyline, then to select the Datum Line, followed by the Datum Line Level (default 0.000), and finally the offset distances (default 0.000). As mentioned above the lisp knows the 0.000 offset (start of polyline) and the end of polyline offset; these are added automatically, so you only need to enter the intermediate ones. This is all collected in a while loop and the offset distances are added to a list. Once all the intermediate offsets are added return the default (0.000) to exit the loop and produce the solution. I will attempt to added Solution 2 to this once I know all the requirements. ROAD-SK-TEST.dwg ODL.lsp
    1 point
  8. The better way is to draw the pline and label at that time. If its lengths etc. label inside outside. I don't have anything. This is a built in function of CIV3D.
    1 point
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