Uddfl, would you go about altering the "ft" program in this manner?
(defun c:ft (/ gcode gcodevalue) ; filter by group code value (works with strings only)
(if (setq gcode (getint "\nEnter DXF group code: "))
((member gcode '(1 2 3 6 7 8 410))
(setq gcodevalue (getstring T "\nEnter code String: ")))
((member gcode '(39 40 41 48 50 51 60 62 66 70 71 72 73 74))
(setq gcodevalue (getreal "\nEnter Code Number: ")))
"\nDXF Code not Recognised or I couldn't be bothered to look it up when I made this program")))
(and gcodevalue (sssetfirst nil (ssget (list (cons gcode gcodevalue)))))))