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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2019 in all areas

  1. I also think a lot of the bashing comes from those that never really learned AutoCAD to start with. Then blamed their inability to learn it on the program instead of themselves.
    1 point
  2. You're welcome @haisagiviz - I'm glad the code is now working for you.
    1 point
  3. Say you have "child.dwg", and it has a bunch of layers in it, and they are all RED. Now say you have "parent.dwg" and you xref in "child.dwg". When you first create the reference, all of the layers in "child.dwg" (as viewed as a reference in "parent.dwg") will be red. Now say that in "parent.dwg", you change the color of all of the reference layers in "child.dwg" to green. You save "parent.dwg", close it, then reopen it. If VISRETAIN is set to 1 in "parent.dwg", when you reopen it, all of the "child.dwg" layers will still be green. If VISRETAIN is set to 0 in "parent.dwg", when you reopen it, all of the "child.dwg" layers will revert to red I just used color as an example, but the same thing applies to other layer properties.
    1 point
  4. Have you looked in the right click settings? These are my settings which gives you the behavior that you are seeking. If you want to change the grayed out options, uncheck the "Turn on time-sensitive right click". Check it again after changing the settings if you use it.
    1 point
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