Searching for this stuff online doesn't yield a lot of results, especially when it comes to AutoCAN'T. However, if you've wanted to have Dimetric and Trimetric projection views, here you go.
This requires using DDVPOINT to set your angles and also saving it as a model view. The format below is [View Direction] - [From X Axis] - [From XY Plane]
Dimetric Views
NE - 45 - 15.5
NW - 135 - 15.5
SW - 225 - 15.5
SE - 315 - 15.5
Trimetric Views
NE - 62.5 - 31.5
NW - 117.5 - 31.5
SW - 242.5 - 31.5
SE - 297.5 - 31.5
If anyone else has a different way of doing this, please share your methods.