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  1. Emmanuel Delay

    Emmanuel Delay

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  2. ronjonp


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  3. BIGAL


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  4. Lee Mac

    Lee Mac

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Wow ronjonp found a problem on line 2853 you must have a lot of time. PG starts at line 8268 It looks like every single routine has been put into 1 routine, not sure what sort of memory overhead that introduces, as posted when something goes wrong where do you start particuarly if your not the author.
    1 point
  2. Obtain selection set of all 3D Solids (ssget) Iterate over selection set (examples) Convert each entity to a VLA Object (vlax-ename->vla-object) Query Volume property of the VLA Object Use an if statement with test expression to check if volume is within range Construct new selection set (ssadd) of target entities, or remove entities which do not meet the criteria from the set (ssdel) Select resulting set (sssetfirst)
    1 point
  3. On line 2853 .. if you miss a pick it will cause this error. You always need to make sure you're passing a valid ename to that function. Quick fix would be to include this sub in the code: (defun _vla-object (ename) (if (= 'ename (type ename)) (vlax-ename->vla-object ename) ) ) Then do a find and replace of 'vlax-ename->vla-object' with '_vla-object'.
    1 point
  4. A problem is that this function loads two (as far as I looked at) files. Optiuni_Utils.lsp & county.xml
    1 point
  5. As you might have seen in my previous posts in this thread I wanted to keep the user inputs in one if expression to avoid extra work and that was my way of building the codes and to keep it simple to Harry although I see he got confused and did not like the way I commented the codes or so. Harry, I did not mean to disappoint you and all of these comments were written for you to learn and keep coding forward and no offence meant at all and that is why in my first reply to you I said "if you'd like and won't ignore it" , so it is up to you if you don't like to hear from me any more. sorry if you felt that I am not encouraging you.
    1 point
  6. I spent about 2 minutes on the problem there are many other places this code can fail ... the OP needs to use break on error in the vlide to troubleshoot this. 11400 lines in the code posted!
    0 points
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