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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2019 in all areas

  1. @Grrr , I am (we are) not in for the money (but 1% of all the gold & silver he finds would be nice though haha)
    2 points
  2. Holy @rlx, looks like you are having alot of fun! Nice job - and OP should be much more grateful (maybe a gold bullion for the routine?) ! Sorry to hear about your mom - aging is stricking all of us.
    1 point
  3. After you have demonstrated the routines you might want to give each CAD tech that attends the meeting an opportunity to test drive the programs while you watch. If they have questions you're there to provide verbal assistance. Doing a task is better than watching a task be done.
    1 point
  4. I couldn't resist... GoldFinger.LSP
    1 point
  5. Perhaps a "Lunch & Learn" session that will introduce the concept of lisps and how they may be used to increase productivity. Pick a handful (half a dozen) of routines, demonstrate where they could be used and why. Encourage participants to ask questions and/or comment. Follow up with a list of all the custom lisp routines that are eventually going to be made available to them but stress that until they are explained and fully demonstrated no one should be striking out on their own to utilize those that have not been covered. Participants should also be encouraged to suggest where a custom lisp routine might benefit their workflow. Maybe they will come up with ideas you haven't thought of yourself. How many custom lisp routines do you currently have?
    1 point
  6. I know, but sometimes attributed blocks have invisible attributes or visibility states with hidden attributes, and you can't pick what you can't see.
    1 point
  7. Here in NL its just after midnight so while you are going to work I'll be soon be going to bed. Have also included a version with all coordinates concatenated , see if it works better / faster. Only way to find out is testing it on the real deal... While knowing what the future will bring , I still hope my parents will live forever but sadly that's not how it works... Goodluck with your project golddigger , euh goldfinger if you have any problems or questions let me know. think I'm gonna cash in on some of my overtime hours tomorrow gr. RLX GoldFinger.LSP
    1 point
  8. OMG I am so excited to try this first thing in the morning! Thank you so much for helping me. and your question above, about coordinated in ABCD... yes it is always like that StartX StartY EndX EndY StartZ EndZ Length Angle For the Searching, Just a Thought. What if you concatenate all StartX StartY EndX EndY so you will have a unique single ID, my concern is, what if 2 totally different coordinates sums up with the same number? you are so amazing!
    1 point
  9. have a look at this it has the get's and put's. set paths 2016.lsp
    1 point
  10. Still not sure what your code is all about but the obvious reason is this..... (foreach name (layoutlist)[b][color=blue]);<----- loose this one[/color][/b] Still.. not sure (defun c:A3_all_pdf ( / PlotReactorOFF tmptfile PlotReactorON) (PlotReactorOFF) [color=blue](setvar 'Expert 5)[/color] (if (setq tmptfile (findfile "T:/Drawing Tools/Templates/CCC2009.dwt")) (progn (command "_.psetupin" tmptfile "A3") (foreach name (layoutlist) (setvar "ctab" name) (command "-plot" "n" "" "A3-pdf" "" "n" "y" "y") (command "_-purge" "a" "*" "N") (command "updatefield" "all" "") (command "regenall") (command "_zoom" "e") (initdia) (command "._plot") ) ) ) (PlotReactorON) (princ) )
    1 point
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