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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Few words to solve the puzzle: • GetBoundingBox method (activeX), • Ray casting method (algorithm in LISP) • Break Sub by CAB • This pseudo-conditional: (if (DoesAVerticallyCastedRayFromTheBlueSegmentIntersectsTheYellowLine BlueSeg YellowLine) (erase BlueSeg) ) Right now I don't have time to assemble it, so good luck solving!
    1 point
  2. It does not look like the four tubes have actually penetrated through the plate. Can you upload a copy of the drawing? Another way of doing it would have been to create a 2D profile (using a polyline) of the plate, add the circles for the holes, use the REGION command to create 5 regions (plate plus four holes), use the SUBTRACT command to subtract the "regioned" holes from the plate (it will appear as though nothing has changed) then use either EXTRUDE or PRESSPULL to give the plate the required depth.
    1 point
  3. Spaces and the ampersand character will not cause a problem, but note that the backslash character is an Escape Character in AutoLISP, and hence, a literal backslash is obtained by prefixing the backslash escape character with another backslash to mark it as a literal. As such, the path should be: "..\\..\\Title Block & Images\\a3sheet.dwg"
    1 point
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