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  1. Also look at AutoDesk Fusion 360. Depending on your status (student, hobbyist or start-up) it could be completely free to use. https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/fusion-360-for-hobbyists
    2 points
  2. Agreed Tanner. For free software it simply blows me away what it can do.
    1 point
  3. I follow some Motion Graphics feeds on Instagram and some of the recent Blender outputs have been very impressive. -TZ
    1 point
  4. .........or if your budget is a little smaller, take a look at this: https://www.bricsys.com/en-intl/mechanical/
    1 point
  5. You should look at Inventor or Solidworks.
    1 point
  6. As posted at The Swamp, here are a pair of complementary functions: Integer to Words (defun LM:int->words ( n / f1 f2 ) (defun f1 ( n ) (if (< n 20) (nth (fix n) '("" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen")) (strcat (nth (- (fix (/ n 10)) 2) '("twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety")) " " (f1 (rem n 10))) ) ) (defun f2 ( n l ) (cond ( (null l) (f1 n)) ( (< n (caar l)) (f2 n (cdr l))) ( (vl-string-right-trim " " (strcat (f2 (fix (/ n (caar l))) (cdr l)) " " (cadar l) " " (f2 (rem n (caar l)) (cdr l))))) ) ) (if (zerop n) "zero" (vl-string-right-trim " " (f2 n '( (1e18 "quintillion") (1e15 "quadrillion") (1e12 "trillion") (1e09 "billion") (1e06 "million") (1e03 "thousand") (1e02 "hundred") ) ) ) ) ) Words to Integer (defun LM:words->int ( s / f1 f2 ) (defun f1 ( s l / p ) (cond ( (null l) (cond ( (vl-position (vl-string-trim " " s) '("" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen") ) ) ( 0 ) ) ) ( (not (setq p (vl-string-search (car l) s))) (f1 s (cdr l))) ( (+ (* 10 (- 10 (length l))) (f1 (substr s (+ 2 p (strlen (car l)))) (cdr l)))) ) ) (defun f2 ( s l / p ) (cond ( (null l) (f1 s '("twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety"))) ( (not (setq p (vl-string-search (caar l) s))) (f2 s (cdr l))) ( (+ (* (f2 (substr s 1 p) (cdr l)) (cadar l)) (f2 (substr s (+ 2 p (strlen (caar l)))) (cdr l)))) ) ) (if (= "zero" (strcase s t)) 0 (f2 (strcase s t) '( ("quintillion" 1e18) ("quadrillion" 1e15) ("trillion" 1e12) ("billion" 1e09) ("million" 1e06) ("thousand" 1e03) ("hundred" 1e02) ) ) ) ) Examples: _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 3)) 2 0) "3" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 31)) 2 0) "31" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 314)) 2 0) "314" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 3141)) 2 0) "3141" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 31415)) 2 0) "31415" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 314159)) 2 0) "314159" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 3141592)) 2 0) "3141592" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 31415926)) 2 0) "31415926" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 314159265)) 2 0) "314159265" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 3141592653)) 2 0) "3141592653" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 31415926535)) 2 0) "31415926535" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int (LM:int->words 314159265358)) 2 0) "314159265358" _$ (LM:int->words 314159265358) "three hundred fourteen billion one hundred fifty nine million two hundred sixty five thousand three hundred fifty eight" _$ (rtos (LM:words->int "three hundred fourteen billion one hundred fifty nine million two hundred sixty five thousand three hundred fifty eight") 2 0) "314159265358"
    1 point
  7. I'd say, here is a very simple SketchUp model brought into Blender via .dae. The stone texture needs some work but the real-time rendering is crazy!
    1 point
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