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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2018 in all areas

  1. You want to know how to learn AutoCAD? There are many ways. You could... 1. Self learn using a good AutoCAD aftermarket book such as those written by George Omura. 2. Self learn by signing up for online tutorials at Lynda.com. 3. Self learn by utilizing the free AutoCAD tutorials at MyCadSite.com. 4. Find a mentor. 5. Sign up for a basic AutoCAD class at an Authorized AutoCAD Reseller. 6. Sign up for a basic AutoCAD class either at a local community college or an adult education center. 7. Purchase basic and advanced AutCAD training CD's or DVD's. These are some of the options available to you. Select one that fits your budget and lifestyle then go for it. Good luck in your endeavors.
    1 point
  2. You're welcome! Glad we finally got to the same wave-length IMO the Properties Palette is still one of the most powerful things ADesk has ever made for ACad. If not the most powerful. That's not to say you can't get something which is even more efficient for your specific scenario (like these preset commands).
    1 point
  3. Lee and everyone... Thanks so much for the instruction and the different takes on how to do something!! You guys are all very appreciated! Thank you!
    1 point
  4. irneb> Now THAT is awesome! Presets are definitely the way to go. Thanks so very much!! (I misunderstood your original post...) I thought you were showing me how to do an override...
    1 point
  5. So you mean there's 30-40-50 different prefixes you want to apply? Are you sure? Sounds a bit worrying to me! You know that you can select 30-40-50-1000000000..... dimensions at once and apply the change in one instruction? Sorry, I just can't understand this. If I had to code something where I'd have various prefixes to apply to various dimensions I'd not have the code ask me each time what that prefix was. I'd rather have different codes placing different prefixes onto the selected dimensions. Perhaps something like this? (defun AffixDim (en prefix suffix / ) (entmod (list (cons -1 en) (cons 1 (strcat prefix "<>" suffix)))) ) (defun SelectDimsAndAffix (prefix suffix / ss n) (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "*DIMENSION")))) (progn (setq n (sslength ss)) (while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0) (AffixDim (ssname ss n) prefix suffix) ) ) ) ) (defun c:PrefixDim-2X (/) (SelectDimsAndAffix "2X" "") (princ)) (defun c:PrefixDim-9X (/) (SelectDimsAndAffix "9X" "") (princ)) (defun c:AffixDim (/ prefix suffix) (or *AffixDim-Prefix* (setq *AffixDim-Prefix* "")) (or *AffixDim-Suffix* (setq *AffixDim-Suffix* "")) (if (and (setq prefix (getstring t (strcat "Prefix (. for None) <" *AffixDim-Prefix* ">: "))) (not (eq prefix "")) ) (progn (if (eq prefix ".") (setq prefix "") ) (setq *AffixDim-Prefix* prefix) ) (setq prefix *AffixDim-Prefix*) ) (if (and (setq suffix (getstring t (strcat "Suffix (. for None) <" *AffixDim-Suffix* ">: "))) (not (eq prefix "")) ) (progn (if (eq suffix ".") (setq suffix "") ) (setq *AffixDim-Suffix* suffix) ) (setq suffix *AffixDim-Suffix*) ) (SelectDimsAndAffix prefix suffix) (princ) ) That way I can have a command for each of the most usual prefixes/suffixes - which I can place on a toolbar or so for quick selection. The last one is a general purpose one which remembers the previous prefix/suffix.
    1 point
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