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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2018 in all areas

  1. just make sure the slides are somewhere in AutoCads search path or add path to slide names in lisp file Jim Clayton.zip
    1 point
  2. Like this? (defun c:layfrz (/ _ctab num ss) (setq _ctab (getvar 'CTAB)) (foreach x (layoutlist) (setvar 'CTAB x) (if (setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "VIEWPORT") (cons 410 x) (cons -4 "!=") (cons 69 1)))) (progn (if (not (and (= 0 (getvar "tilemode")) (>= (getvar "cvport") 2))) (command "_.mspace") ) (if (= "Plot-" (substr x 1 5)) (progn (setq num (substr x 6)) ;; "Plot-" is 5 characters, so the number stars at 6 ;; freeze everything containing "Plot-" (command "_.vplayer" "_F" "*Plot-*" "_S" (ssname ss 0) "" "") ;; Thaw the correct layers (command "_.vplayer" "_T" (strcat "*Plot-" num "*") "_S" (ssname ss 0) "" "") (command "_.pspace") )) ) ) ) (setvar 'CTAB _ctab) (command "_.qsave") (princ) ) freeze_by_layout.dwg
    1 point
  3. hi , if you are using PC, in edit mode just click at button <> or [ code ] your code here [/ code ] (brackets without space) Did you try Lee Mac's BoxText ? if you have ET installed, also can try command: TCIRCLE p/s: why not using QDIM?
    1 point
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