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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Try running the native built-in ROTATE command. Does it fail to repeat with the space bar or <enter> also? Here is someone with a similar problem, he is running the ROTATE command (which is what you lisp is doing), and then the space bar or <enter> executes the SELECT command. It looks like an add-on is causing the issue
    2 points
  2. Yep, I've noticed that myself. I don't have an explanation for this but I'll do some digging.
    2 points
  3. When a topic needs approval or rejection and I click the appropriate button, it takes ~30 seconds to process and refresh the page. This is one action that is still very slow. Thanks.
    2 points
  4. You nailed it. Some person who has probably never used AutoCAD to earn his/her living thought it would be okay to remove this option. (Yet the screen menu from 25+ years ago, lives on!) The Autodesk programmers are a talented bunch, it's the people they take their instruction from that need a dose of reality.
    1 point
  5. A few of these trophy clicks would be the way to say thanks!
    1 point
  6. Genius! ...and i thought this was all about my dodgy scripting skills! Thanks very much for this one. Much appreciate everyone's help!
    1 point
  7. Select all your text and give it a Z value of 7500 in the properties palette, that will bring it above the solids making it visible. Or change your visual style to 2D wireframe.
    1 point
  8. If this is only happening with MTEXT then they are more than likely MTEXT format strings. That aside, please post a drawing with the problem TEXT/MTEXT in Autocad 2010 format, or give examples of the strings you are getting.
    1 point
  9. First it's good to have an understanding of View Disciplines and how all six differ from each other. You can separate the View Disciplines into three different groups: Coordination, Architectural Structural Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing All three MEP's work the same. They apply a halftone to non-MEP categories including Model Lines. Detail Lines do not show as halftone in MEP View Disciplines. But, this automatic halftone feature is actually a global setting shown here: This checkbox is the magic key: This is what controls the "automatic halftone" feature in the MEP View Disciplines. Turn this off and you can still apply Halftone to your Links via the V/G Revit Links Tab. So there's a tradeoff here and you'll have to try this global setting to see how you prefer your environment to be set up. Hope this helps. -TZ
    1 point
  10. This sort of change lives in the drawing individually. If you want to make it permanent for all new drawings, set up a template drawing with this mleader style in it and start all your new drawings from the template. You can also simply copy one of the multi-leaders of this style to another drawing using the clipboard and it will live in that drawing too. BUT the new leader style MUST have a unique name first. If it is copied to another drawing and there is already a style named the same in there already, the existing style will override your new one and it will remain unchanged in the drawing you copied to, just like a block definition.
    1 point
  11. Not mad, just highlighting the correct answer for your problem, nothing wrong with the other solution, but it was a one time fix, you asked for a permanent fix.
    1 point
  12. you guys scared me, i thought you guys were mad, thank you
    1 point
  13. Is there a way to put ourselves on someone else;s ignore list? Maybe I should post this in the Feedback sub-forum as a suggested enhancement.
    1 point
  14. I guess myself and Dana W wasted time directing you to the appropriate editor for fixing these.
    1 point
  15. That is your object Properties dialog, not the mleader editor. The Properties dialog only works for the current selection set. The mleader style editor will change every leader in that style all at once.
    1 point
  16. You are correct. However folks are always looking for answers. And, there's no such thing as stale question. Stale threads perhaps... besides, I'm new to this site/forum and admittedly didn't notice the date.
    1 point
  17. Nothing wrong in your drawing as far as I can see. It's LWT on that give you the bold effect (as someone stated before). Just turn it off > LWDISPLAY > OFF (or 0)
    1 point
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