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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2018 in all areas

  1. I guess once people get used to it and realize what it is and what it's for, they will start using it, but right now I don't really see it happening. I've been pretty active the last few days, helping out where I can, but my rep count doesn't show it. People say thank you but don't click the button.
    3 points
  2. It's early days. It's difficult to draw any conclusions about usage after less than a week on a new platform.
    2 points
  3. No problem it was just a suggestion. Some fora allow them others don't, it's the site owners choice and we respect that.
    2 points
  4. OK, how about this... It seems only fair that those who contribute to this forum get a link back to their personal site or business each time they post. Traditionally, this would be included in a forum signature but the problem with signatures is that they break the flow of a topic/conversation for those reading it. So why not include a link as part of the author information in the block on...
    2 points
  5. I realize this may seem petty or silly, but hear me out. First off, is this configurable (without add-ons or hacks)? It seems a little subdued, perhaps not noticed by users and I think it can be a good way to say "Thanks"/"Like" or "Dislike" in lieu of making a post with only a word or two. Perhaps like Reddit or YouTube, two choices would be enough, "Like" or "Dislike"? Something like this? ...
    1 point
  6. I'm on Chrome and it's fine, looks like someone has been using CSS to remove all styles, that's exactly what you get to see.
    1 point
  7. I tell you what I am totally impressed by, the mobile experience. I'm sitting on a train, typing this on my phone and it doesn't feel odd or awkward. Never would have done that on the old forum.
    1 point
  8. So, this is called "reactions" and the purpose is exactly as you have described. Currently the options are like this: From right to left we have: Like = +1 reputation point Thanks = +1 Ha Ha = +1 Confused = 0 Sad = 0 Dislike = -1 The general look and functionality of the widget isn't easily configurable but we have total control over what reactions are included and what the point...
    1 point
  9. Understood. I do a lot of programming in Excel and have learnt (still learning) that quick fixes are usually not that quick, when you have to go back some time later and try to fix something unforseen.
    1 point
  10. Yes, that could be done in CSS but there are additional considerations in the way the software operates, plus the responsive aspect of the design. Although more compact, I don't find those solutions visually apealing. We could add extra padding, change content order and left-justify etc. to make it work but by that time it's practically a whole new theme. My aim with this install is to make...
    1 point
  11. So, we can do this: The two software items are now on the same line (which makes sense), recovering the space used for the website link. Optionally, we could close the gap between "Website" and "AutoCAD" but this arrangement has a nice vertical rhythm IMO.
    1 point
  12. hi, not sure but do you remember similar topic we discussed before? here. IMO perhaps OP's 'locking' effect like something orthomode or snapmode does?
    1 point
  13. This programming language is VB6
    1 point
  14. Ok if you look at what a text looks like and a mtext looks like TextString as text = "-1.2" TextString as mtext = "\\A1;-1{\\H0.7x;\\S^2;}" You need to read the "textstring" and rewrite the "textstring" for mtetxt using a lisp is pretty straight forward if I had one, now for some time. I have some other stuff for magnet, remove point cross, ren number code layers to...
    1 point
  15. Whereas I don't know an automatic way to achieve this, here is a picture of what I produced. I first changed the text to Mtext, and then in the text editor deleted the minus sign and typed a carat (2^3) between the digits. Then I stacked the second digit which went to subscript. Perhaps someone, knowing the steps, can produce an automatic way!
    1 point
  16. Is there a way to switch to a 'night mode' so the background is grayish like before ? As a 'long-time' member of cadtutor, its hard to re-adjust to the white background, also my eyes hurt.
    1 point
  17. Try the following: ;; Redo Command (defun c:recom nil (LM:sendkeys "_.undo~1~{UP}{UP}~")) ;; Send Keys - Lee Mac ;; A wrapper function for the SendKeys method of the WSH (defun LM:sendkeys ( keys / wsh ) (setq wsh (vlax-create-object "wscript.shell")) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke (list wsh 'sendkeys keys)) (vlax-release-object wsh) (princ) ) (princ)
    1 point
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