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Apollonius problem : (PPP, LPP, LLP, LLL, CPP, CLP, CLL, CCP, CCL, CCC)

P - point

L - line

C - circle


Routine finds all CIRCLES that touches or passes (point) as tangent curves to combination of (C - circle; L - line; P - point)


Relevant page on Wikipedia :

And my video demonstrating my routine :

Number of circles demonstrated in video corresponds to Wikipedia table at the end of page...

Regards, Marko Ribar, d.i.a. (architect)

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Jonathan Handojo


Wow... what a complex code, I can't even begin to analyse. It really works on most cases... might need to include some error-handling functions for some problems that can't be solved. For example, if it's CCL and the geometry looks like a "%", there's technically (at least on my eyes) no possible way to draw a circle tangent to the two circles without crossing the line or tangent to the line.


Nonetheless, congrats on this fantastic piece of code. I wouldn't be able to solve one of these unless I pulled many of my hair out XD



That is alot of work you posted there Marko, thanks!


I was researching this problem and found code for the algebraic solution for CCC here: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Problem_of_Apollonius

Implemented it in autolisp and then found your solution to all of the versions.

The algebraic solution seems less complicated or at least shorter, so I managed to get rid of quite a few lines of code.

The modified version is attached to this post. Hope you like it.





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