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Hi I have some code that I want to batch purge drawings, using doslib functions.

It's not working and stops about half way. I suspect there may be more

than one error. Can someone fix it please?


ps I want to keep the doslib functions.- thanks


(defun c:BatchPurge
      (/ UserFile UserCat  DirPath FileList File#1 DwgName FileName)
(setq DirPathdefault (getvar "dwgprefix"));Current folder
(setq DirPath (dos_getdir "Browse for a Drawing folder"
     DirPathdefault      "Select a folder to clean drawing files")
(if (= DirPath nil)
(setq DwgLst (vl-directory-files DirPath "*.dwg" 1));list of drawings in folder

 ;Create list of all *.dwg files in selected Directory  
(setq DwgtoCleanLst(dos_multilist "Select Files" "Select which Drawings to purge." DwgLst));list of drawings selected
 (setq File#1 (open "c:/Documents and Settings//rxbeeto0//BatchClean.scr" "w"))
 ;; open/make a scriptfile to write to
 (foreach DwgName DwgtoCleanLst
   (setq FileName (strcat "\"" DirPathdefault "\\" DwgName "\""))
   (princ "open\n" FileName)
   (princ (strcat FileName "\n") FileName)
       (princ "purge\n" File#1)
   (princ "all\n\n" File#1)
   (princ "_.qsave\n" FileName)
   (princ "_.close\n" FileName)
 (close FileName)
 (command "script" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rxbeeto0\\BatchClean.scr")


thanks - but it still does not work.


I know you wanted to stick with doslib but I don't have it..:P Here is something I put together when I first started writing code (my disclaimer for the "ugleeness"). it's suited me fine for many years.


(defun c:batch (/ $value choice dir dwglist file fn fno id sel w x)
   (and (setq dir (getfiled "Select A Drawing File" (getvar 'dwgprefix) "dwg" )
    (setq dir (vl-filename-directory dir))
    (setq dwglist (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcase (strcat dir '"\\" x) t))
                  (vl-directory-files dir "*.dwg")
    (setq dwglist (vl-sort dwglist '<))
    (setq w (itoa (apply 'max (mapcar 'strlen (mapcar 'vl-filename-base dwglist)))))
      (setq file (open (strcat (getenv "temp") "\\cleanup.scr") "w")
        fn      (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl")
        fno  (open fn "w")
      "batch : dialog { label = \"RJP-Batch\";
              :column {
         :boxed_column {
           label = \"< Select Drawings to Process >\";
           : list_box {
             key = \"dwglist\";
             height = 25;
             width = "
             multiple_select = true;
         : row {
           : button {
             label = \"&Select...\";
             key = \"select\";
           : button {
             label = \"&Cancel\";
             is_cancel = true;
             key = \"cancel\";
      (close fno)
      (setq id (load_dialog fn))
      (if (not (new_dialog "batch" id))
      (start_list "dwglist")
      (mapcar 'add_list (mapcar 'vl-filename-base dwglist))
      (action_tile "dwglist" "(setq choice $value)")
      (action_tile "select" "(done_dialog)")
      (action_tile "cancel" "(setq choice nil)(done_dialog)(vl-file-delete fn)")
      (unload_dialog id)
      (if (and    choice
       (setq sel (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (nth x dwglist)))
                 (read (strcat "(" choice ")"))
      (foreach f sel
        (write-line (strcat "_.open \"" f "\"") file)
          "(repeat 3 (vla-purgeall (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))"
        (write-line "_.qsave _.close" file)
      (close file)
      (command ".script" (strcat (getenv "temp") "\\cleanup.scr"))


Hey thanks Ronjonp for sharing that interesting piece of code. It works well.

However I would still like to make make my code with the doslib functions work.

Any ideas?

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